miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Halloween at Chans Bembrive 2018

Halloween came to Chans Bembrive accompanied by the first cold days of the season, perfect weather for ghosts and ghouls, as well as warming up around the fire and telling scary stories.

The children at Chans worked busily to prepare for the spookiest night of the year with a number of projects designed to scare away the bad spirits and keep the good ones amongst us.

Fourth grade had the task of turning paper plates into Halloween characters, which ranged from Frankenstein to bats to vampires. All in all, a frightening assortment of faces and figures.

In fifth grade, students were very busy as they not only designed and built haunted houses out of cardboard, but also turned them into dioramas with spooky scenes. Others made Halloween drawings to further add to the atmosphere for the holiday.

Finally, the sixth grade made spectacular cutout foregrounds, one of which starred a killer clown and other sinister characters. Afterwards, they organized a photo shoot using the boards so as to have a keepsake of their spectacular work. While some of the class worked on the boards, the rest made Halloween masks to scare away the bad spirits.

All of this wonderful art is on display our school entrance, greeting all of our students, teachers and visitors in a most spectacular fashion. Now, we are making preparations for the next big art project, Christmas. Amazing artwork is soon to come!

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