miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019
A change in Halloween Celebrations at Chans 2019
Fifth grade joyfully created a memorium with their skulls. They made their skulls with Barbara Reid's technique of laying plasticine. Using just their hands and a toothpick, they spread the plasticine colouring and designing their own sugar skull. After they finished, they placed their skulls into picture frames as a way to remember the dead, like they did in the movie Coco.
Sixth grade had a similar project of creating their own sugar skulls, but they layered rubber eva instead of using plasticine. They chose from an assortment of sparkly rubber eva to contrast the white skulls they used as their base. Their finished pieces were hung on a large black poster with different coloured photos from the movie Coco.
The collaborated Halloween memorial hangs in the entrance of Chans for all the students, teachers, and parents to appreciate. It's their new take on celebrating Halloween, by welcoming the ghosts and ghouls into Chans Bembrive to join the students!
miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018
Halloween at Chans Bembrive 2018
The children at Chans worked busily to prepare for the spookiest night of the year with a number of projects designed to scare away the bad spirits and keep the good ones amongst us.
Fourth grade had the task of turning paper plates into Halloween characters, which ranged from Frankenstein to bats to vampires. All in all, a frightening assortment of faces and figures.
In fifth grade, students were very busy as they not only designed and built haunted houses out of cardboard, but also turned them into dioramas with spooky scenes. Others made Halloween drawings to further add to the atmosphere for the holiday.
Finally, the sixth grade made spectacular cutout foregrounds, one of which starred a killer clown and other sinister characters. Afterwards, they organized a photo shoot using the boards so as to have a keepsake of their spectacular work. While some of the class worked on the boards, the rest made Halloween masks to scare away the bad spirits.
All of this wonderful art is on display our school entrance, greeting all of our students, teachers and visitors in a most spectacular fashion. Now, we are making preparations for the next big art project, Christmas. Amazing artwork is soon to come!
martes, 5 de junio de 2018
Once upon a time
Working with Plasticine involves many techniques, such as kneading, rolling, sticking and mixing different colours of Plasticine. The students first started with one colour to make the background of the book cover and added layers of Plasticine until they completed the foreground.
martes, 24 de abril de 2018
As you can see, we have many athletic, creative and intelligent students!
domingo, 8 de abril de 2018
We try to live by these positive affirmations every day in class!
Check out the final product of their artwork clicking on the image
Check out the video of their artwork below.
jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018
Peace Day 2018
Have a look at the video below showing all of their hard work!
sábado, 3 de febrero de 2018
The Kindness Project
jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017
Halloween Riddles!
This Halloween, the fifth grade made illustrations to accompany spooky riddles! First, we worked as a class to understand the meaning of each riddle. Then, the students worked in pairs to make the riddles come alive. Check out the riddles below! Which one is your favourite?
First row
Left: What's the problem with twin witches? You can't tell which witch is which! Center: What monster plays tricks on Halloween? Prank-enstein! Right: What do sea monsters eat for lunch? Fish and ships!Second row
Left: What are a ghost's favourite pants? Boo jeans! Center: What room is useless for a ghost? A living room! Right: What road has the most ghosts haunting it? A dead end!Third row
Left: How do you make a skeleton laugh? Tickle her funny bone! Center: Where does Dracula keep his money? In a blood bank! Right: What do you call a skeleton who won't work? Lazy bones!Fourth row
Left: What do you call witches who live together? Broom-mates! Second from the left: Why do witches fly on brooms? Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy! Third from the left: What do witches ask for at hotels? Broom service! Right: What do you get when you cross a teacher and a vampire? A blood test!

viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017
Halloween at Chans
For the month of October, the fourth and fifth grade students at Chans-Bembrive celebrated Halloween by creating haunted houses (fourth grade) and jack-o-lanterns (fifth grade). To accompany the haunted houses, the fourth grade students transformed themselves into witches, werewolves, skeletons, zombies and monsters by using pictures of themselves and their classmates. Then, with face paint, they became these scary creatures. Finally, the fourth grade students learned the Halloween song that inspired their artwork, "Halloween's Here!" To make jack-o-lanterns, the fifth grade students painted pumpkins or drew scary faces. They also learned Halloween riddles to inspire creative drawings based on the jokes.
Some of the students brought artwork from home, including colourful jack-o-lanterns, spooky drawings and sculptures. The artwork looked great on display!